At the national level, Tamil Nadu ranks third in total vehicle registrations, behind Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra.Tamil Nadu recorded a 10,076.64 crore in revenue from vehicle registrations and renewals in 2023-24, reflecting a 33.29% increase from 7,560 crore in 2023.
The state registered 19.5 lakh new vehicles in 2024, up from 18.26 lakh in 2023, 17 lakh in 2022, and 15.15 lakh in 2021. Tamil Nadu's 148 Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) processed 98.4 lakh transactions in 2023-24, securing its top position nationwide in terms of transaction volume.
Among Tamil Nadu's RTOs, Chennai North led in vehicle registrations, followed by Poonamallee, Coimbatore North, Tambaram and Coimbatore South. However, in revenue generation, Chennai West topped the list, followed by Chennai South, Chennai Central, Tambaram and Poonamallee.
At the national level, Tamil Nadu ranks third in total vehicle registrations, behind Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. Kerala and Karnataka follow Tamil Nadu in transaction volume.
In revenue from vehicle-related activities, Maharashtra holds the first position, followed by Karnataka with Tamil Nadu in third place.